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Love Yourself

Uncategorized Feb 19, 2021

Love yourself whilst you’ve still got the chance

Start right now, make a decision to do something daily for yourself and follow through. This could be a bitesize Pilates session, drink a glass of water in the morning, give yourself an 8 hour sleep opportunity each night or cook a delicious and healthy meal.

You are the youngest you will ever be and it’s never too late to start. Love yourself, you are the person you’ll be spending the rest of your life with, so what are you waiting for?

Love yourself and everyone benefits

As women we do so much for other people, we like to please others, care for others, and we tend to stretch ourselves too thin, committing to everything we can. We then forget to look after ourselves properly and become overwhelmed and exhausted. So, by loving ourselves, we will have more energy, time, focus and better physical and mental health. So, by looking after ourself and loving ourself we are then better able to look after others and everyone benefits.

Remember when you are in a plane and they say that if the oxygen masks drop, you must put your own mask on first, even before your children’s, otherwise you can’t help anyone else.

Love yourself no matter what anyone else thinks

In this world of social media, it is so easy to compare ourselves to the ‘perfect’ snapshots we see of other women’s lives and how it appears to be ‘perfect’. The show home, the well-behaved children, the always immaculately dressed, in control, confident modern woman.

But, let me tell you there is no such thing as perfect. It doesn’t exist and the sooner we can let go of trying to reach perfection, the better for us. Save your energy and love yourself for who you are knowing that you are enough and you are already doing an awesome job just by being you.

Love yourself and you can do anything

When you love yourself, you become the best version of yourself. You have a positive mind, powerful habits and value and prioritise your health and fitness. When you have no aches and pains, feel strong mentally and physically, have a clear mind, feel in control and confident - you feel invincible – able to do anything and achieve anything you set your mind and body to.

Keep loving yourself and continuing on your journey to become your best self.

Gila x

Give yourself some love and grab my ‘Positive Pilates’ here and treat yourself to 12 Bitesize Pilates workouts for all abilities, plus some fun challenges to do at home and an invite to join me for a live online class.


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