Who is Gila Archer?
I’m Gila Archer and in my time so far I’ve been a Dancer, National Competitive Gymnast, Aerial Silk Artist, Sports Acrobatics Gymnastics Coach, Primary School Teacher, Physical Education and Physical Development Consultant (running my own business supporting teachers and parents with children who have a delay in their physical development), a Pilates Instructor (since 2003) and a fan of all things chocolate!
The biggest and most important part of me, however, is being a proud mum of two energetic boys and one strong and independent little girl. When I was a new mum, I completely immersed myself in my children’s lives. Somehow, though,
during the years when my children were really little, I seemed to lose myself…I forgot who ‘Gila’ was, I became ‘just’ a Mummy!
I love being a mum, but felt guilty if I took anytime away from my children for ME. Teaching my Pilates class was ok, because I was doing it for all my clients. But I really struggled to do things for ME. Even a long soak in the bath or taking time to choose something to wear, other than the clothes I’d worn all week, seemed selfish. Let alone, go and do any exercise for myself.
Over the last few years I have changed my perspective and been kinder to myself. I am learning to make time for me. I went back to ballet and do a class every week and I took up Aerial Silks several years ago, something I’d always wanted to learn. I am regaining my strength and flexibility; I’m making time to exercise and I’m learning not to let myself feel guilty about it. The knock-on effect is that I’m now happier, fitter and am a role model for all my children, especially my daughter, that shows them that every individual is important and that being fit and healthy is important.
I know a lot of busy mums who feel the same. They’d love to do Pilates, but can’t get to a class, they struggle to get childcare, or are at work, or are taking their children to football, dancing or swimming. They struggle to find time and justify the time to do exercise for themselves.
So, my mission is to help all us busy mums to remember we are important, to make time for our fitness and so I now create Online Pilates Programmes that can be accessed anytime, anyplace and fitted in bitesize chunks into our daily schedule so you can keep fit AND juggle everything else too.
Testimonials from clients:
Sally Moore
I started Pilates last year with Gila. I started my first class with awful back pain and worried I’d never be able to do any of the moves. Gila made me feel so welcome it was easy to begin Pilates. I’ve grown in confidence and can see small improvements every week in my ability. My back pain is reduced and I genuinely look forward to each class. Thank you Gila.
Heather Hadbury
I look forward to my Pilates class every week. I feel so much better for going every week and really can tell if I miss a class. I’ve had a problem with my sciatic nerve for over a year and really struggled with the fact it got aggravated with every exercise I tried. Pilates has made me feel stronger and after each session I truly feel like I’ve had a massage and I’m walking taller. It gives my head clarity as well and I love the fact that I have 1 hour a week to myself (mummy of 4) I just wish I could fit in another class. Gila’s knowledge and experience is amazing which means she can help advise with any problems you may be experiencing and if something doesn’t feel quite right, she can give me an alternative exercise no problem. Each week Gila changes the exercises which keeps the classes fresh and new. Gila is very friendly and always happy to help. I can’t wait for my Pilates workout to give my body a good stretch and my mind some peace.
Thank you Gila you are truly fabulous.