Working out from home has many advantages:
- An exercise routine that is flexible around your busy schedule
- No travel time and finding a parking space!
- No childcare
- No missing sessions because you work shifts
- Increased daily energy levels and moods
- Increased physical strength, easier movement and less aches and pains
- Improved mental health
- Just because your Pilates Community Class has stopped for a break, doesn't mean you have to.
This all means you can be consistent with your exercise, enjoy doing it and build strength and feel good about yourself easily.
Why make life harder for yourself?
Grab your Positive Pilates Workout Bundle hereWorkouts you can do again and again
Unlimited access to a variety of 12 pre-recorded Bitesize Pilates workouts - yours forever.
A perfect addition to compliment your exercise routine or to keep your Pilates ticking over when there are no classes over the summer.
Be consistent: Get results
By working out from home you can have an easy, sustainable and enjoyable approach to maintaining and improving your fitness.
Workout at a time and place that fits with your lifestyle.
Stay happy and healthy
Nurture your physical and mental health by staying positive and being purposeful.
Exercise releases feel good chemicals in your body as well as building physical strength and improving flexibility.
Diane Hammerton
Brilliant I didn’t realise how much I have missed until I did my first Positive Pilates this morning - woke up with back ache which has now gone - definitely recommend this to everyone as a great way to feel better in mind and body.
Lien Gyles
I've just tried this one - you weren't kidding, it's beautifully de-stressing! My whole body feels wonderfully relaxed. I'm going to try and do this every day straight after work to counter all the sitting.
Rose Beardow
Just done the de-stress and stretch workout from the Positive Pilates package, it was what I needed after spending all day in the garden digging and preparing my large veggie patch, back feels great. Thanks Gila.
Are the workouts suitable for all abilities?
I have never done Pilates before, can I do this?
What equipment do I need?
What if I need help?
I want to stay positive, fit and healthy
Imagine having your own Pilates instructor taking you through Pilates workouts that you can switch on, pause and replay when it suits you from the comfort of your own home.
Feel stronger, calmer and in control.
Stay positive!