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What do you do for self-care?

I’ve been receiving a lot of messages from women who want to create healthy routines right now, but are having a hard time due to lack of time and energy.

It can also be harder to stick to new habits and routines when life is uncertain and the outside world keeps changing.

So, if you’re trying to create healthy routines right now (whilst juggling so many other things and potentially feeling overwhelmed by the state of the world at the moment), then I want to remind you that:

  • It's ok to feel however you are feeling right now.
  • Self-care is not selfish and it's not a luxury. It’s essential to your health and well-being, especially right now.
  • You don’t need hours of free time, loads of energy or hundreds of pounds to create a healthy routine that helps you to feel good throughout the day.

What is your current self-care routine? Rate what it is right now…

1= non-existent… - … 10 = perfect, couldn’t be better.

Common mistakes that women make when it comes to looking after themselves is:

  1. Not having a plan
  2. Not committing to anything or anyone
  3. Trying to do it alone

You might feel that you can’t afford the time, energy or money on your health – but you actually can’t afford not to. Health is not stationary, it declines if we don’t do anything, muscle mass declines, stress levels go up.

If you don’t care for yourself everything falls apart.

What do you think of when I say self-care? A visit to a luxury spa once a year? Treat yourself to a massage on your birthday?

Self-care is not just a one off at the end of a busy week.  Self-care is not selfish, it is also not a luxury, it is not a once and done. You need a routine, a daily dose of self-care.

It is all the small things you do ‘deliberately’ in order to take care of your mental, emotional and physical health. It’s about doing things you need to do to feel the way you want to feel.

Here are 15 bitesize things you can do in 15 minutes or less to take care of your physical and mental health every day:

  1. Do a Bitesize Pilates workout: exercise is one of the best forms of self-care. Click here for your workout
  2. Read a book on self care
  3. Have a bubble bath
  4. Drink a glass of water each morning
  5. Give yourself an 8-hour opportunity to get a good night’s sleep
  6. Write down 5 things you achieved at the end of the day
  7. Write down 5 things you are grateful for each morning
  8. Get outside in the fresh air
  9. Detox from technology and social media
  10. Stretch and move
  11. Spend time with family and friends
  12. Try a different fruit or vegetable
  13. Take time away from work
  14. Say no to others and yes to your self-care
  15. Schedule your self-care into your daily routine and guard it with your life.

It is possible to feel good about yourself right now. Hang in there. You’re doing a great job and I am always here to help.

Self-care is about being consistent. Keep doing something small each day. What are you going to do tomorrow to look after yourself?

Keep an eye out for my next Pilates challenge: ‘Strong Core: Clear Mind’ starting 20th July and sign up as part of your new self-care routine.


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