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How Good are You at Balancing?

balance Apr 23, 2020

I’m not talking here about juggling a busy schedule, but the physical challenge of balancing.

Balance can be defined as an even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady.

Your body does an amazing balancing act every day. The eyes, ears, brain and muscles all delicately work together to keep you upright and steady.

Balance Tends to Decrease With Age

As we get older, our eyesight tends to diminish. Our vision is an important sense in maintaining good balance. Without it, the rest of the body has to work harder to compensate. Muscles tend to shrink and your reaction time may be a bit slower. But there’s good news, because…

You Can Improve Your Balance Regardless of Age

You don’t have to be resigned to poorer balance as you age. You can take action to improve and maintain it.

Be a Flamingo!

There is numerous research that shows standing like a flamingo (i.e. on one leg) is effective in preventing falls as we get older, reduced injury if we do fall and more independent living. It is also a test used to highlight risks of strokes and dementia. The ability to stand on one leg is an important test of brain health. It improves your core strength and muscle strength and heightens your proprioception (body awareness).

The ability to balance on one leg for 20 seconds is a sign of a healthy brain.

So, start standing on one leg whilst you do everyday chores, try standing on one leg with your eyes closed (make sure you do this in a safe place) and come to Pilates and practice standing on one leg in class.


For tips and info about balancing like and follow The Online Pilates Instructor on Facebook

Improve your balance by clicking here for Pilates workouts.  

If you are a Busy Mum you are invited to join our Private Facebook group ‘Bitesize Pilates for Busy Mums’ 


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