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The Secret to why you are Lacking Energy to Workout?

energy sleep workout Apr 27, 2020

When I ask what busy mums often struggle with when it comes to maintaining their fitness, the answer is often lack of energy. ðŸ˜´

If you find you don’t have the energy to do Pilates, then it could down to how much sleep you get and the quality of your sleep.  

If you struggle getting to sleep or staying asleep, then one factor that plays a massive role in sleep is your caffeine intake.

Caffeine tricks you into feeling alert and awake, even if you need to sleep, but once the caffeine has left your system, you have a 'caffeine crash', and then feel even more tired.

One cup of tea or coffee in the morning will last you all day. If you have a second cup in the afternoon, then you will find it difficult to go to sleep in the evening and sleep soundly thereafter because caffeine is still in your system.

Reducing your caffeine intake will make a massive difference in getting to sleep and staying asleep. 

So, how do you know if you’re routinely getting enough sleep?

Two questions that will help you know the answer to this…

  • After waking up in the morning, could you fall back asleep at 10 or 11am?
  • Can you function optimally without caffeine before noon?

If you answer yes to question 1 and no to question 2 then you are likely not getting sufficient sleep quality and quantity.




‘Go to sleep, it will be better in the morning’.

Did your mum say this to you when you were little?

As a mum, do you say this to your children now?

Well, you know what they say 'Mum is always right' and she is. Sleep does make everything better. Sleep heals emotional wounds, helps you learn and remember, prevents sickness and infection and provides solutions to challenging problems.

So, if in doubt, get a good night's sleep - it’s the best medicine there is and its free! ðŸ˜´ðŸ˜´

Why we need sleep:

  1. Sleep improves your memory
  2. Sleep helps you learn
  3. Sleep improves your immune system
  4. Sleep lowers food cravings
  5. Sleep makes you feel happier
  6. Sleep improves your energy levels

So, if your low energy levels are down to a lack of good quality sleep, follow these

7 secrets to sleeping soundly and feeling energised:

  1. No caffeine in the afternoon or evening
  2. No drinks late in the evening (You’ll end up disrupting your sleep to go to the toilet)
  3. Exercise during the day, it helps solidify good sleep
  4. No screens before bed, the light tricks our brain into staying awake.
  5. If you are getting up early, don’t sacrifice the last 2 hours of sleep. Your brain needs them. Go to bed 2 hours earlier instead.
  6. Set an alarm to GO to bed.
  7. In the morning, to feel more awake, open the curtains and let natural light in to signal to your brain its time to wake up and be alert.

Ref: Matthew Walker (2017) Why We Sleep


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