Worried about the changes your body goes through before, during and after menopause?

You’d like to look after your body but not sure what to do?

Pilates could be your answer!

Let me share with you my top 10 Pilates moves to promote good bone health and help you look after YOU.

Download my free bitesize guide and follow along video session.

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Pilates for Menopause and
Bone Health

The menopause is when the ovaries stop producing eggs and levels of hormones oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone fall. The lack of oestrogen increases the risk of osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease.

Women are more affected by a loss of bone strength in the years before, during, and after the menopause, as oestrogen (the key hormone for protecting and maintaining bone density) rapidly declines during this time. Your bone is breaking down at a faster rate than the body can grow new bone tissue.

How does Pilates help?

Doing Pilates is one of those small changes you can make to promote good menopause health and is hugely beneficial.

✔️ It releases endorphins, the feel-good hormones to help manage changes in mood and energy.

✔️ It can maintain bone and muscle strength and a healthy heart, protecting against the long-term effects of hormone deficiency.

✔️ It relieves stress through mindful movement and a focus on breathing.


I'll try pretty much anything to make myself feel a little more like 'me' so I downloaded this guide and have regularly been doing the YouTube workout that comes with it.  It feels good to know I'm improving my bone strength but mostly, it's good to feel good once I've done it. 

Exercise is such an important investment in your health and wellbeing. 

Complete your details below to receive your 10 Pilates moves to improve bone health.